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The Board of Education for Franklin City Schools will move the location of its already scheduled meeting for December 9 from the Franklin Junior High Board Room on 750 E 4th St, Franklin, OH 45005 to the Franklin High School Media Center on 140 E 6th St, Franklin, OH 45005.


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Digital Curriculum


Franklin City Schools uses two products offered by Edmentum - Courseware and Exact Path.

Courseware is the product we use for credit recovery. If your child is participating in credit recovery and you would like to learn more about Courseware, you can read more here.

Exact Path is an Edmentum product that provides your child with a specific learning path based on benchmark assessments (i.e. NWEA MAP or Aimswebplus). This tool is utilized in grades K-8.  It is recommended that your child work on their specific learning path 3 times each week for 10 minutes each time for a total of 30 minutes per week. Parents can read more here.

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