AP Exams
Congratulations to our FHS students on their recent scores on the Advanced Placement (AP) exams.
Each AP test is given a score from 1 to 5. Those numbers mean:
5: Extremely Well Qualified
4: Well Qualified
3: Qualified
2: Possibly Qualified
1: No recommendation
Any score 3 or higher is considered passing, though getting a 5 is especially desirable because, for most exams, it puts you in the top 15% of scorers. Most colleges will accept a 3 or higher for college credit. Ivy League Schools are typically looking for 4's or 5's. FHS had great year with those students who took the AP Exam. Of Note:
Megan Brock received a 5 in AP US History
Cameron Slaton received a 5 in AP US History
In addition to the above outstanding scores, these students received 4's on the AP US History Exam:
Jeremy Hall (2016), Charlotte Caldwell, Morgan Cross, Logan X. Hall, and Elise Loux
Siok Kiam Dosado (2016) received a 4 in AP French
Lastly, Dylan Gray and Cameron Slaton both received 3's on the AP Chemistry (arguably the hardest of the AP exams!) Congratulations to all the students and staff members!