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Board Honors Students

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Board Honors Students

May 25, 2017
at 12:00 am

Board honors students for achievement. At their May 22 meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored 21 students for achievement. Three junior high students, Nikyra Bohannon, Ellie Mullins, and Bryanna Thompson, were recognized for a STEM project that used 3D printing to create a paintbrush extender for a preschool student at the ECC. Two seventh graders, Nina Lin and Dylan Trenum, and two eight graders, Anish Patel and Lexi Lewis, were honored for being Franklin Junior High Wildcats of the Year. Eighth graders J. J. Davis and Addie Taylor were honored for winning the Archie Griffin award. Nine high school juniors were honored for achieving a composite score of 30 or higher on the ACT: Matt Akers, Frank Borger, Haylee Chappelear, Morgan Gentry, Dylan Gray, Nathan Johns, Samantha Jones, Brooke Sizemore, and Cameron Slaton. Three FHS seniors were honored for being top of their graduating class (a three-way tie): Joseph Balon, Jeremy Hall, and Matthew McGrew. Franklin established the Student Achievement Award in January 2001 to honor students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in academics, community service, or character. 

Franklin High School seniors, from left, Matthew McGrew, Joseph Balon, and Jeremy Hall, were in a 3-way tie at the top of the Class of 2017, with 4.0 GPAs.
Nine FHS juniors received a 30 composite score on the ACT. Clockwise from top left: Nathan Johns, Matt Akers, Frank Borger, Morgan Gentry, Samantha Jones, Brooke Sizemore, and Dylan Gray. Not pictured: Cameron Slaton and Haylee Chappelear.
FJHS students were honored for a variety of academic and character achievements. Front row: Dylan Trenum, Nina Lin, and Nikyra Bohannon. Back row: Addie Taylor, Lexi Lewis, Ellie Mullins, Anish Patel, and J. J. Davis. Not pictured: Bryanna Thompson. 
Student Achievement
Student Achievement
Student Achievement
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