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Employees Honored

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Employees Honored

Aug 13, 2021
at 12:00 am
At the district's back-to-school kickoff, Franklin City Schools honored employees who have reached 25 and 30-year service anniversaries. 
25-year employees JoAnne Barker and  Caroline Ferguson received their awards in person; Lynn Hetzler, Lisa Almanza, Darlene Bowling, and Wilma Reynolds were also honored for 25 years. 
Holly Daniels, Sharon Fenton, Carol Snively, Elizabeth Kinder, and Robin Bradley received their 30-year awards in person. Dennis Deck was also honored for 30 years.
25 year employees
25-year employees JoAnne Barker and Caroline Ferguson received their awards in person; Lynn Hetzler, Lisa Almanza, Darlene Bowling, and Wilma Reynolds were also honored for 25 years.
30 year employees
Holly Daniels, Sharon Fenton, Carol Snively, Elizabeth Kinder, and Robin Bradley received their 30-year awards in person. Dennis Deck was also honored for 30 years.
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