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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.

May Student Achievment

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May Student Achievment

May 27, 2021
at 12:00 am

Franklin Board honors students for achievement at May meeting

At its May 24 meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored nine students for achievement. 
Three members of the FHS Class of 2021, Tanner Biltz, Jeffrey Davis, and Zachary Osborne (who was unable to attend the meeting), were honored for earning their Eagle Scout rank. Approximately 8% of Scouts achieve the prestigious Eagle rank; one requirement is to develop and complete a service project. Jeffrey Davis completed a project mapping veterans' graves at Woodhill Cemetery. Both Tanner and Zach completed projects for Hope United Methodist Church: a peace pole (Zach) and a gaga pit for Hunter Safecare (Tanner).
Beckett Burlile and Suni Lin were honored as the 7th grade Wildcats of the Year; Annie Bales and Trent Lewis were honored as the 8th grade Wildcats of the Year. Wildcats of the Year are chosen for their all-around attitude, maturity, and character. 
Luke Eyink and Audrey Sove were honored for winning the Archie Griffin Award. This award, sponsored by the Ohio High School Athletic Association, is given to students who demonstrate sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity.
Franklin City Schools established the Student Achievement Award in 2001; hundreds of students have been honored since its inception.

Student Achievement Committee members include parents, community residents, board members, administrators, and students; they meet during the school year to evaluate nominations which may be submitted by students, teachers, administrators, or community members.
Eagle Scouts
Student Achievement Winners
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