National Technical Honor Society
FHS students among NTHS inductees
On February 28, the Warren County Career Center inducted 71 seniors into the National Technical Honor Society. Six students whose home school is Franklin High School were among those inducted. Those pictured are, front row from left: Karrah Ritchie (Health Science), Kelli Fromm (FHS principal), Alyssa Biggerstaff (Veterinary Science). Back row: Dr. Mike Sander (FCS district superintendent), Adam Waughtal (HVAC), Justin Hibbard (Dental Assisting), Ariana Alcorn (Graphic Arts), Sindey Lindon (Graphic Arts). To qualify for induction, students must have a 3.5 GPA for three semesters during the two years at WCCC or its satellites. In addition, a student must not have a semester grade lower than a “C” at any time, must meet attendance requirements, have no credit deficiencies toward obtaining a high school diploma, and have no out-of-school suspensions. The NTHS was founded in 1984 and is a leader in recognizing outstanding student achievement in career and technical education.