Student Achievement 19
At its May 20 meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored a number of students for academic and other achievements. Six elementary students were honored for achieving 10 quarters of straight As. From left, Amira Parsons (Hunter Elementary), Jacob Saunders, Donovan Todd, Brooklyn Abney, and Olivia Clifford (all Pennyroyal Elementary). Seven junior high and high school students were honored. Front row, from left: Reghan Hall (8th grade, Archie Griffin Award); Camille Lafferty (8th grade Wildcat of the Year). Back row: Callie Imundo (FHS, winner of the Doris Harting award at the Miamisburg Art Guild Student Art show); Jacob Eyink (7th grade Wildcat of the Year); Sophia Aldridge (7th grade Wildcat of the Year); Tyler Bond (8th grade Wildcat of the Year); Rylan Monk (8th grade, Archie Griffin Award). Franklin established the Student Achievement Award in January 2001 to honor students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in academics, community service, or character. Hundreds of students have been honored since the award's inception. #FCSWildcatPride