Student Achievement 21
At its October 25 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored students for achievement. Franklin City Schools established the Student Achievement Award in 2001; hundreds of students have been honored since its inception. Student Achievement Committee members include parents, community residents, board members, administrators, and students; they meet during the school year to evaluate nominations which may be submitted by students, teachers, administrators, or community members. Students unable to attend the board meeting received their certificates later.
Award criteria and the nomination form may be found on the district website: under Departments > Curriculum > Student Achievement.
Students honored for earning 10 quarters of Straight As were Gerke: Donaven Butler and Wil Truesdell; Schenck: Adrien Bonar, Lanee Imfeld, Christian Knipper, and Jenna McGuire. FJHS: Lillian Cook, Tyler Denison Drake, and Canon Skinner.
Honored as the 2020-21 Ronnie Charles Award winner, Schenck: Aleeyah Montgomery
Nine students were honored for being in the FHS Principal’s 30+ Club (Scoring 30 or above on one or more subject areas of the ACT): Victoria Brown, Liliana Cooke, Lucinda Curry, Kennedy Draper, Kyle Lawson, Nathaniel Paarlberg, Braden Rogers, Alex Russell, and Domanic Tomlin.
Three students were honored for achievement in music/fine arts: Callie Imundo (Class of 2021) won the President's Award at the 2021 Miamisburg Art Gallery Student Show; Arebella Lloyd (FHS) won Best of Show in the 2021 Miamisburg Art Gallery Student Show; Kyle Lawson (FHS) was chosen to be a percussionist in the Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.
Three students were honored for testing out of the TESOL Program (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages): Mateo DelPrete Castaneda (Gerke), Isidora Guinez Alvarez (Hunter), and Ricardo Paredes (FHS).
Pictures: Straight A honorees, from left: Lanee Imfeld, Tyler Denison Drake, Wil Truesdell, Christian Knipper, Jenna McGuire, Aiden Bonar.
Ronnie Charles Award: Aleeyah Montgomery
High School honorees, from left: Kyle Lawson, Braden Rogers, Lucinda Curry, Arebella Lloyd
TESOL honorees: Mateo DelPrete Castaneda and Isadora Guinez Alvarez