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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.

Students' Honored 18

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Students' Honored 18

Nov 27, 2018
at 12:00 am
Students Honored

Board honors students for achievement:

At its Nov. 26 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored two students who have earned straight As for 10 quarters. Those students honored were James Huff (left), Hunter Elementary, and Pixie Faulkner, Gerke Elementary. Franklin established the Student Achievement Award in January 2001 to honor students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in academics, community service, or character. Hundreds of students have been honored since the award's inception.

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