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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.

Vaccination Clinic for Teens

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Vaccination Clinic for Teens

Jun 15, 2021
at 12:00 am

The Springboro School District is partnering with the Warren County Health District to host COVID-19 vaccination clinics.  These vaccination clinics are being open to students who are 12-years old and older and for their families from the Springboro, Carlisle, and Franklin School Districts.  The clinics will offer the Pfizer vaccine for both doses. There is no cost to the student, family or school district for the shots. 

Permission from a parent is mandatory for anyone under 18 years old. If the parent is with their child, they can grant permission during the clinics. If the student will be coming to the clinics without a parent, this consent form must be filled out and signed by the parent and brought with the student on vaccination day.

1st Dose

·  Monday, June 21st from 9:00am-11:00am at the Springboro Jr. High, 1605 South Main Street, Springboro 45066

2nd Dose

·  Monday, July 12th  from 9:00am-11:00am at the Springboro Jr. High, 1605 South Main Street, Springboro 45066


The June 21st  clinic can be scheduled at this time. Second dose appointments will be made with the nurse during the first dose vaccination clinic.

 Sign up for the June 21st 1st DOSE Clinic appointment at this link. Please use the access code: ZYZU6OAG9H and enter Springboro, Ohio in the location search.  

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