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Veteran Diploma

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Veteran Diploma

Mar 26, 2021
at 12:00 am

Board presents diploma to Vietnam veteran

At its March 22 meeting, the Franklin Board of Education presented a diploma to veteran Arthur Greene, Jr. 
Greene, 76, of Franklin Township, should have graduated with the Class of 1963 but left school to work on his family's Robinson-Vail Road farm and then was drafted before he could complete the credits required to earn his high school diploma.
Ohio law permits public school districts to confer a high school diploma to veterans who served in any branch of the United States Armed Services between September 16, 1940, and the end of the Vietnam War.
Greene served in the Army in Vietnam, where he was a watercraft operator and earned several medals before being honorably discharged in 1971. 
As he handed Greene his diploma, Board President Andy Fleming congratulated Greene on being the first graduate of the Franklin High School Class of 2021.
Junior Greene
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