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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.

Veteran's Affairs

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Veteran's Affairs

Feb 2, 2023
at 12:00 am

This past November Mrs. Bender  was contacted by Geri Maples from Blue Star Families, to see if Art Students were interested in designing tote bags with encouraging messages again this year.  These bags were for Veterans receiving care at the Dayton VA Center. Students designed over 260 bags, that’s 160+ more than last year. These  bags were then filled with donated items and thank you cards created by students from Edgewood Elementary School.  The bags were completed prior to Thanksgiving break. This was a great experience for FJHS Art Students, showing them that as artists they can show gratitude and appreciation to others through their art. They were very excited to contribute to the cause and make a difference in the lives of our Veterans no matter how big or small. This community project used students prior knowledge from their 9/11 Memorial projects from September.  Students created a collaborative work of art in memorial of 9/11 and in honor of those that served and are serving. 

Later in the school year, Mrs. Bender received a “Thank You”  letter in the mail from a couple living in Wheatland, Missouri.  Candace and Steve Lasko served in the Air Force during Vietnam. They were at Dayton VA Center in December and were each given a bag.  They were so touched by the efforts of students and adults they shared their story and wanted to make sure everyone involved knew how much it meant to them. Inside each bag, there was a note explaining that the bags were created by Students at Franklin Junior High. Next year we plan to include information about who created the other items included in the bags to make sure everyone that contributes to the cause is represented. The “Thank You” letter from the Lesko’s and pictures were shared with Edgewood Elementary and Blue Star Families.


Hand Written Card
Thank you for service note
Thanks back note
Thanks bag
Volunteer Event
Thank you bags
Volunteer event
Hand art bag
Hand art smiles
Artistic bag
Thanks for service bag
Finished bags
Finished bags
Focused artwork
Soldier bag
Thank you service bags
Finished bags
Finished bags
loading gif