
Franklin Drama Club is a school organization dedicated to producing entertaining and educational high school theatre. Membership is open to all students in grades 9-12 at Franklin High School with an interest in the performing arts.
If you have a passion for acting, directing, stage managing, building sets, or working in technical theatre, come join us!
Like our page and follow us on twitter and Instagram:
Twitter: @fhsdrama1569
Instagram: @fhsdrama1569

Franklin High School Drama will present A CHRISTMAS CAROL December 13-15, 2024.
In this version, we encounter a company of traveling players about to enact the Dickens story. As the on-stage trunk of supplies opens, actors and clowns spill out and roll on. The gruff stage manager and prop boy check the show’s props, which are shabby and third rate, but the troupe improvises by creating a magical world of make-believe. The acting troupe soon discovers that the actors playing Scrooge and Tiny Tim have abandoned the tour; but the show must go on, and the prop boy eagerly volunteers for the part of Tim while the cynical stage manager must be forcibly drafted to play the old miser. The troupe proceeds to make their way through the tale, creating fog, snow, fire and ghosts through mime, imagination and wonderful visual effects. The rag tag players (including the stage manager and prop boy) quickly become the characters of the story, and we are pulled into the life of Ebenezer Scrooge.
December 13th @7pm
December 14th @7pm
December 15th @2pm
There will be a special senior citizens perfromance on December 12th at 9:30am. Donuts and coffee will be provided. Those seniors interested in attending should contact the FHS Main Office at 937.743.8610 to RSVP
Performences are located at the Junior High School at 750 East 4th Street, Franklin, Ohio.
Announcing our 2024-2025 Theatre Season!

FHS Drama Club wins 33 MVHSTA awards

The Miami Valley High School Theatre Awards
The Miami Valley High School Theatre Awards and Showcase (MVHSTAs) celebrate, support, and advocate for high school theatre education throughout the Miami Valley region. The program celebrates high school plays, musicals, students, and educators by formally recognizing the extraordinary achievements of our community’s productions.
Miami Valley High School Theatre Awards
Franklin High School Drama Club is a proud charter member in this program.