FHS Student and Family Update 4/13/2020
FHS Staff and Family Update for 4/13/2020
- Click here for a recorded message from Mrs. Fromm. Video Message from Mrs. Fromm
- With the extended school building closure, the district has updated its distance learning protocols for providing instruction to students while they continue their education at home. Beginning Monday April 13th, students will be required to submit all coursework for a pass/fail grade. Teachers will continue to communicate and facilitate instruction to students via Google Classroom. All assignments and lessons will be conducted through this distance learning platform as a means for students to continue their education while remaining in compliance with the current stay at home orders.
- If you need paper copies of these assignments due to limited, or no, access to technology or the internet, please have your child email their teachers directly, and the teachers can get materials to their administrators for students to pick-up at the building. This is only for students who cannot consistently access the online materials. Please inform teachers ASAP if you need paper copies.
- It is imperative that students check their school email account daily, as well as check Google Classrooms for each of their classes. This is the main way teachers will be communicating, and again should be happening daily.
Facilities Update from Dr. Sander
Please review the information linked below from Dr. Sander about the planning for FCS Facilities. The link to the video and slideshow are included below. The deadline for the survey is April 19th (the link for survey is at the end of the slideshow).
FCS Facilities Video and Slideshow
Technology Support
The FCS Technology Department is at FHS Wednesday's from 11am-Noon for Technology Support.
In closing, we hope that you are all staying well and safe. We miss seeing our students everyday. I would ask students, parents, and staff to all be patient and understanding with one another as we all navigate our way through the distance learning process at least through May 1st, and potentially for the remainder of the school year.