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Important Notice About Dismissal and Parent Pick-Up

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Important Notice About Dismissal and Parent Pick-Up

Mar 21, 2022
at 9:00 am

Good morning,
Recently we have received an update from the Franklin Police Department with concerns about people parking in no parking zones when picking their student(s) up from school in the afternoon.  Please remember that no one should park or stop along the curbs where they are painted yellow or where there are no parking signs.  Additionally, parking across the street and waiting for students should not happen.  Both of these actions present safety concerns as students try to connect with their transportation after school.  We have been advised to inform everyone that parking in a no parking zone when picking students up from school in the afternoon will prompt the Franklin Police Department to begin issuing citations.  Please help to avoid this by using the parking lot to pick up your student(s) after school.  Typically, the lot is clear by 2:50 PM.  If you arrive around that time you should be able to get in and out of the parking lot relatively quickly.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Kelli L. Fromm 
Franklin High School Principal

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