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  • The Board of Education of the Franklin City School District has determined that the real property located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005, Warren County Auditor Parcel ID Number 0431153012 will be offered for sale at public auction. The auction will be held at the property, which is located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005 and will occur on October 14, 2024, at 12 p.m.  Conditions of Sale and other pertinent information regarding the sale are available on request at the Board office by contacting Kevin Hawley, Treasurer, at 937-743-8603 or

  • Please note that some information on this website is not up to date. This summer, we are both changing our classroom building configuration and migrating to a new website. If you need a definitive answer to a question, we suggest you call or email. If you aren’t certain whom to contact, feel free to email

Franklin High School Blog

Franklin High School Blog

Purple Star

FHS Covid-19 Letter 8/23/21

AUG 23, 2021
at12:00 am

Follow FHS Administration on Social Media:

Facebook: AdminsFHS

Instagram: @adminsfhs

Twitter: @AdminsFHS

Franklin High School
Good afternoon,

What a week!  We made it through a 5 day week back with students.  We have been so impressed by how quickly our students have found their routine, and the amount of teaching and l...

Franklin High School

FHS Covid-19 Letter 8/18/21

AUG 18, 2021
at12:00 am
Good afternoon,
Please review the letter linked below from our School Nurse, Lauren Turner.
Kelli L. Fromm
Franklin High School Pr...
Franklin High School

Class of 2022 Vaccine Info

AUG 18, 2021
at12:00 am
Good afternoon,
Please see the enclosed letter about required vaccines for 12th graders from our School Nurse, Lauren Turner. 
If you have questions, pl...
Franklin High School

FHS Covid 19 Letter 8/17/21

AUG 17, 2021
at12:00 am
Good afternoon,
Please review the letter linked below from our School Nurse, Lauren Turner. 
Kelli L. Fromm
Franklin High School Pr...

ProgressBook Information

AUG 13, 2021
at12:00 am

Still not sure of your child's schedule? All students can access their schedules in ProgressBook. Students don't need separate usernames and passwords for access. They can login at https://parentacces...

25 year employees

Employees Honored

AUG 13, 2021
at12:00 am
At the district's back-to-school kickoff, Franklin City Schools honored employees who have reached 25 and 30-year service anniversaries. 
25-year employees JoAnne Barker and  Caroline Ferguson rec...
Gavin Crase

Gavin Crase

AUG 11, 2021
at12:00 am

Welcome back to “Meet-a-Wildcat!” Today we meet Gavin Crase, our new staff member at the high school in the social studies department. His family was raised right here in Franklin. He graduated from F...

Martha Janik-Landgraf

Martha Janik-Landgraf

AUG 10, 2021
at12:00 am

Welcome back to “Meet-a-Wildcat!” Today introduces us to Ms. Martha Janik-Landgraf, who joins the staff at FJHS and FHS teaching Spanish in the World Languages department. She is married to an enginee...

Franklin High School
Good afternoon FHS Parents and Families,
Here is the link for the 1st FHS Parent and Family Update for the week of 8/16/21. 
We can't wait to greet stude...
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