George H. Gerke Elementary School Blog
George H. Gerke Elementary School Blog
Entry Tags (1 found)
Principal's CornerStudent Achievement 18
Board Honors Students for Achievement

Board Honors Student Achievement
Board Honors Students for Achievement:
At its March 26 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored three Gerke Elementary students for earning straight As for 10 quarters. Students honored...
OFCC Timelines

Eleven Franklin High Students inducted into the NTHS

Board Honors Students
Board honors students for achievement.
At its Feb. 26 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored three Hunter Elementary students for earning straight As for 10 quarters. Students honored...

Cheerleaders Win SWBL Title

District Hashtag Selection
Please see the attached press release concerning the recent adoption of a district-wide hashtag for social media.

School Board Honors Girl Scout Troop
Board honors students for achievement:
At its Jan. 22 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored Girl Scout Troop 32549 for their work in constructing buddy benches for the district's ele...
Inclement Weather
January 2, 2018
Parents and Guardians:
It’s that time of year again! The cold weather is upon us and during these freezing temperatures, often times, the district operates on a two-hour delay: Plan ...

Board Honors Student Achievement 17
Board Honors Students for Achievement:
At its Nov. 27 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored two sixth graders for earning Straight As for 10 quarters. Pictured are (at left) Alexis T...