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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.


Town Hall Meeting: March 20, 6:30 to 8 p.m., FHS Media Center. Questions and answers with the Superintendent and Treasurer.

George H. Gerke Elementary School Blog

George H. Gerke Elementary School Blog


Entry Tags (1 found)

Principal's Corner
Pictured from left: Nina Lin, Braden Rogers, and Emma Burnett

Board Honors Students for Achievement

MAR 4, 2022
at12:00 am

The Franklin Board of Education honored three students for achievement at its Feb. 28 Board meeting. Emma Burnett (Hunter) was honored for earning straight As for 10 quarters. Nina Lin (FHS senior) wa...

Elementary Volleyball Form

Elementary Volleyball Clinic

FEB 15, 2022
at12:00 am

The Franklin Volleyball Program is hosting the spring league for 3rd-6th grade girls interested in playing volleyball again this year! The league will be conducted by Franklin volleyball coaches, alon...

Luke Kennard Jersey Retirement

Kennard Jersey Retirement

FEB 8, 2022
at12:00 am

Did you miss the retirement of the #10 jersey for Luke Kennard? If you weren't able to make it the game, check out the video below, compliments of Mr. Bob Hogan.

Reminder Notice

Junior High Scheduling Meeting

FEB 4, 2022
at12:00 am
Next Monday, February 7th, there will be scheduling information meetings for the families of all 6th and 7th grade students who are planning to attend Franklin Junior High School in the 2022-2023 scho...


FEB 1, 2022
at12:00 am

Franklin Wildcat Families and Staff:

With the Cincinnati Bengals headed to their first Super Bowl in more than 30 years, we are joining with several local school districts to declare a “Snow Dey” on ...

Cheerleading Tryouts Flyer

Cheer tryouts 22-23

JAN 29, 2022
at12:00 am

Are you a student in grades 6-11 interested in trying out for cheerleading? Check out the flyer for information for more information!

Transportation Plans Release

Transportation Plans 2022

JAN 25, 2022
at12:00 am

UPDATE: January 25, 2022


Dear Wildcat Families,

We know these past two years have brought unexpected challenges and inconveniences for all of us. We appreciate your patience and partnership as we...

Transportation Adjustments Release

Transportation Adjustments

JAN 18, 2022
at12:00 am

Dear Wildcat Families,

We know these past two years have brought unexpected challenges and inconveniences for all of us. We appreciate your patience and partnership as we work hard to keep our studen...

Numbers to be retired

JAN 12, 2022
at12:00 am

Lakins’ and Kennard’s numbers to be retired in separate ceremonies

Two Franklin athletes now playing at the professional level will have their jerseys retired at separate ceremonies at home boys bask...

FJHS demolition brick location

FJHS Bricks

JAN 4, 2022
at12:00 am

Are you feeling nostalgic about the demolition of FJHS? Why not pick up a brick to keep as a memento of the old building? They would make great bookends. Starting Wednesday, January 5, 2022, the commu...

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