Principal's Message
Jeremy Ward - Principal
4418 West State Route 122
Franklin, OH 45005
Phone: 937.743.8655 ext. 1723
I am pleased to introduce myself as the Principal of Hunter Elementary where we house all of second grade! I am sincerely grateful to serve our community, parents, and students. I am beginning my 16th year as an administrator in Franklin City Schools and my 23rd year overall. As an administrator I spent my first 10 years at Franklin Junior High School, my first two years as the assistant principal, and nine years as the principal. The past five years have been spent serving the wonderful community of Pennyroyal. Before becoming an administrator, I spent 7 years in the classroom serving 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th grade.
My personal mission each and every day is to provide a nurturing, loving, and safe environment for kids to strive and achieve their academic and personal goals. Hunter Elementary has a wonderful teaching staff dedicated to carrying out this mission while providing an outstanding educational environment. Our focus as a school is to teach students the behaviors of Respect, Ownership, having a positive Attitude, and Responsibility (ROAR).
We invite you to share this journey with us as the relationship between school and home is a vital component of each child’s success. Our door is always open as we work together to meet the needs of each child. We are here to work together, problem-solve, and create the best educational path to success for our students.
I look forward to building relationships with our community, parents, and students. Never hesitate to reach out as communication is the most important thing between home and school. Welcome to Hunter Elementary and we look forward to an outstanding and successful school year!
Jeremy Ward, Principal
Hunter Elementary - 2nd Grade