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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 10, 6 p.m., FJHS Board Room.

District Mission

Our Mission

The mission of the Franklin City Schools, a progressive, community-based school district, is to guarantee all students can grow, develop, and learn to their fullest potential by providing a challenging, individualized curriculum; an exemplary, compassionate staff; and a state-of-the-art, safe and supportive learning environment.

District Goals

Goal: Student Performance: The academic achievement of all students in the Franklin City School District will improve as indicated by building/district assessments, standardized tests, the State indicators and an increased number of students passing classes per grade level.

Goal: Student Social Emotional Development: The Franklin City School District will integrate activities and curriculum to promote and increase positive social emotional growth and development of students in order to increase self-esteem, attendance, academic performance, and an awareness of future life goals.

Goal: School Environment: The Franklin City School District will become a safer, more nurturing, educational environment maximizing all the resources effectively and efficiently for all students and employees.

Goal: Communications and Public Relations: The Franklin City School District will utilize a variety of conventional and newly emerging technological means to improve positive communication with all facets of the school community (faculty, staff, parents, and students) the business community, etc.

Goal: Funding: All funding sources will be sought and will be effectively and efficiently utilized to optimally support the mission, goals, and the overall operation of the district.

Goal: Supporting Practices: All practices, endeavors, activities that are planned, performed, sought after, etc. will support the achievement and social/emotional growth endeavors of the students.

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