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Board of Education Meetings:

  • Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room.
  • Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center.
  • No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December.
  • Next meeting: March 24, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.


Town Hall Meeting: March 20, 6:30 to 8 p.m., FHS Media Center. Questions and answers with the Superintendent and Treasurer.

William C. Schenck Elementary School Blog

William C. Schenck Elementary School Blog

Student Achievement Students Honored

Board Honors Students

MAR 5, 2018
at12:00 am

Board honors students for achievement.

At its Feb. 26 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored three Hunter Elementary students for earning straight As for 10 quarters. Students honored...

SWBL Cheerleaders

Cheerleaders Win SWBL Title

FEB 26, 2018
at12:00 am
FHS Varsity Cheer Squad wins SWBL
The Franklin Varsity Competition Cheer Squad won their 11th consecutive SWBL title at a competition at Franklin High School on February 17. The 17-member squad inclu...
#WildcatPride Press Release

District Hashtag Selection

FEB 6, 2018
at12:00 am

Please see the attached press release concerning the recent adoption of a district-wide hashtag for social media. 

#WildcatPride Hashtag Press Release

Girl Scout Troop 32549

School Board Honors Girl Scout Troop

JAN 31, 2018
at12:00 am

Board honors students for achievement:

At its Jan. 22 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored Girl Scout Troop 32549 for their work in constructing buddy benches for the district's ele...

Inclement Weather

JAN 2, 2018
at12:00 am

January 2, 2018

Parents and Guardians:

It’s that time of year again! The cold weather is upon us and during these freezing temperatures, often times, the district operates on a two-hour delay: Plan ...

Houston Relief Student Government

FHS Student Government

NOV 21, 2017
at12:00 am

A message from Kelli Fromm, principal at FHS:

Here is a picture taken with a "Thank You" banner for our FHS Student Government from Beckendorff Junior High near Houston.  FHS Student Government raise...


District Hashtag

NOV 7, 2017
at12:00 am
We need your help! Franklin City Schools (FCS) is looking to create and adopt a district hashtag. Hashtags are a community-created way of organizing information on social media websites such as Twit...

Junior Class After Prom

OCT 24, 2017
at12:00 am
The Franklin HS Junior After Prom Committee is beginning the annual Fruit and Wreath sale.  This fundraiser has been a tradition in Franklin for over 35 years.  The produce and evergreen items are alw...


OCT 6, 2017
at12:00 am
Wednesday evening was the annual homecoming parade and bonfire. We have a great representative of each of the classes serving on our court this year. 
Freshmen, from left: Melia Sargent, Tyler Woo...
Sept. Student achievement

September Student Achievement

OCT 1, 2017
at12:00 am

Board honors students for achievement. At its Sept. 25 board meeting, the Franklin Board of Education honored students for earning Straight As for 10 quarters. Front row from left: Logan Robinson, Cat...

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